In this paper, a thermal-reactive polyurethane ( PU) is used for a silk fabric just as a durable press finishing agent. 用一种热反应型的聚氨酯整理剂对真丝进行免烫整理试验。
Application process of water soluble capped polyurethane finishing agent for silk was studied and its anti-crease mechanism investigated. 研究了水溶性封端聚氨酯丝绸整理剂的应用工艺,并探讨了其防皱机理。
Preparation of Aqueous Polyurethane Finishing Agent Modified by Fluorine-containing Acrylate 含氟丙烯酸酯改性水性聚氨酯涂饰剂的制备
Application of polyurethane finishing agent to fabric 聚氨酯整理剂在织物上的应用
Study on Polyurethane Finishing Agent in Emulsion 聚氨酯乳液涂饰剂的研究
The synthesis method of modified polyurethane with ethylene imide and hydrocarbon-hydroxy silicone oil, as well as the application of formaldehyde-free and easy-care finishing agent FS-617 to anti-crease finish of natural fiber are discussed. 讨论了用氮丙环、烃羟基硅油改性聚氨酯制备无甲醛免烫整理剂FS617的合成方法,以及该产品用于天然纤维的抗皱整理工艺条件。
Waterborne polyurethane has already became a development direction in fabric dyeing processing as a formaldehyde-free textile finishing agent. 因水性聚氨酯中不含有甲醛等有机溶剂,已作为无甲醛织物整理剂成为织物染整加工发展的方向。
Waterborne polyurethane, as one of the environmental protective coatings, are widely used in high-quality leather finishing agent. 水性聚氨酯涂料作为环保涂料之一,在皮革中得到了广泛的应用。